I recently got a haircut. I don’t have a regular hairdresser, instead I will often go to the place that is most convenient rather than find myself in a routine of visiting the same spot.

What delivered me to the dinner table of Saliha Sardar is the sort of thing that vilifies the timeless cliché that ‘things happen for a reason’. And God has a keen sense of poetic irony and justice, crafting the whole story and not necessarily catering to your liking.

My work explores the relationship between religion and modernity. Many of my paintings draw conceptually on the social and cultural phenomena associated with the Muslim world, which is why I have named my particular style ‘Islamicate Impressionism.’

Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922–1975), the Italian Marxist film director, was a towering polymath who made a significant contribution to shaping the intellectual and political landscape of the twentieth century.

It was end of July, and I was headed along the coast of Trinidad on the Buccoo Reef, a passenger vessel that bore the name of the fishing village in which my father was born and to which, once we dropped anchor in Tobago, I would journey.