Heaven forbid one day the phrase ‘ask ChatGPT’ becomes as colloquial as ‘google it!’ Only time will tell. For now, AI remains an enigma. Certainly, a fair number of experts understand the basic concept, but the muddy mystery is retained when we consider its consequences. As we live in a world where AI has proven its capability for racism, xenophobic tendencies, depression, bias, fascism, and even a willingness to kill its own operator should they become an obstacle in the way of its primary programmed directive, it seemed a bit less risky to begin with a simple question in moral philosophy and ethics. 

To better understand ChatGPT and reflect on our fears, we asked the following question: ‘What are the ten best virtues?’

Before an instant could pass, ChatGPT responded: ‘The ten best virtues can vary depending on cultural, religious, and philosophical perspectives. However, some commonly recognised virtues are:











‘These virtues are often considered essential for leading a meaningful and ethical life. Keep in mind that different belief systems might emphasise other virtues as well.’ So concluded ChatGPT.

So, there we have it! Now, you wouldn’t be very satisfied if this is how we concluded the list. Wouldn’t it be fun to look between the lines of this list and expose the deep in-built bias behind our dear ChatGPT? But, noting the increasing reliance on and domination by AI in our contemporary world, it is more relevant to ask: would these virtues be viable in a future dragged to the utopic/dystopic end of generative artificial intelligence trend?

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