Pristine Lake 

Camping upstate in Long Lake

rain falling in buckets on my tent

eyes wide open all night long

decided to jump into my kayak 

at the crack of dawn

misty lake Eaton all around 

surrounded by magnificent mountains 

cedar pine trees patrolling the waters

rowed all the way to the other side

parked my kayak in the middle East 

splitting headache finally gone

the fog started lifting

sunrise with yellow flowers 

listening to fish chattering 

listening to whispers of Allah

peace came visiting in abundance 

while staring at the pristine lake.


A desolate city l live in

loneliness all over 



Covid 19 still around

never ending nightmare 

l stare into the twilight 

l have no clue what i observe 

l stare into darkness 

l glimpse a thread of a light

l stare into emptiness 

there is nothing out there 

synchronized horizon 

rainbow with no colours 


the Axis of the universe 


like a river running 

into calamity 


no more pretending 

no more looking inward 

no more apprehension 

moving on and looking upward 

still searching for peace that never comes 

Recycled Humans 

I have been talking for the past

40 years in exile

5 million more have been demanding  

They want to return to the homeland

I’m sick of talking

Politicians do a lot of crapping 

UN meets and does more talking 

They live in villas in Switzerland 

While Palestinians are living in camps

Still talking

I need to do a lot more walking 

I need to forget about more talking

I need to teach my people walking 

Till we reach the shores of Gaza 

Then our journey Shall begin 



Forget about talking.

Elsewhere on Critical Muslim: