Without Form and Void

The first known use of “effigy” 

May have been 1539,

Though I suspect effigies are

As old as mankind. 

The world itself is an 

Effigy of sorts,

Brought from a void

Into that which has form.

Now, we enshroud her in a

Type of twenty-first century 

Gold leaf – 


Preprogrammed microchips and

Corresponding smart-gadgets,

Systematically attached to

Every facet

Of a creation

Sorted and curated

By all-too-important AI

Algorithms – made

To manage the

Unmanageable. That is, 

A universe which thrived for

Billions of years

Without us – the effigies

who proclaim ourselves creators.


Let’s wander until we find the moon 

lingering in the morning fog

Cliché. But perhaps if we go there

we’ll finally find out we’re exactly who

we were always accused of being. 

It will be simultaneously disappointing 



Then we can continue our stories.

We’re all growing towards a moment.

Its largesse can be intimidating. 

Maybe by admitting

the moon lingering in the morning fog

can never truly be reduced to cliché – 

we’ll be okay. 

Where I Go

Hands dip

In scalding dishwater, scrub

Remaining crumbs from 

Plates and cups 

On and in which we broke bread together,

Swirled crusts in salt and oil,

Confessing our day’s frustrations

All the while.

Dark creeps across the neighbors’ lawns, as 

It does this time of day, and around the corner 

Of the house, whilst my 

Soapy water becomes murkier, 

Matching dusk’s descent upon the world. But glasses 

And silver sparkle clean.

For now, that’s all I need.

Elsewhere on Critical Muslim: