Turkey – 1

I’m Europe with a sense of deprivation
I’m white
But not quite
I will look back as far as I can
I will look back till my eyes begin to bleed
Because I’m Europe with a sense of deprivation
I’m white
But not quite


Turkey – 2

Pasha – ambitious, short-sighted
Pasha – poor, poor Pasha
Like a hopeless romantic
Did not think it through
What he could or could not do
Paradise found was paradise lost
For all those who accost,
Fire, just fire, not desire –
Ire, ire, ire


Kashmir goes blind – 1

I can still see, mother
I can
I can still be, mother
I can
They don’t know
I have your eyes
Big, blue, beautiful
Like Dal*
I can still see, mother
I can
I can still be me, mother
I can

Why do you ruin your eyes?
Big, blue, beautiful
Let’s stand by the window
The breeze is green
The mountains, azure
The bonfire, red
No one’s dead
See, I can still see, mother
I can

(*Dal Lake)


Kashmir goes blind – 2

The man said,
“Look into my eyes,
I’m dead behind them.”
The valley replied,
“Death had left your eyes,
A long, long time ago.”


Kashmir goes blind – 3

Red, swollen
Like a morphed Kafkan image

Gunk-laden, moist
Like Manto’s clean woman

Questioning, flummoxed
Like a bleeding Ghalib couplet


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